Pastor Jacob Gbateh and the Mission at Lungi


The Ministry in Lungi under the direction of Pastor Jacob Gbateh is moving onto the ground we bought in 2008 and dug the well in 2009. We held a three-day crusade on the ground with many coming to Christ and healings occuring each night.


Because of a generous gift of $30,000.00 from Orphans' Promise, a ministry of CBN, the Christian Broadcasting Network, we were able to start construction on an orphanage that will house Pastor Jacob and the 26 orphans he has under his care. Some live with him and some with people from the church.


When the orphanage is completed, they will all move into the facility that will have beds for all of the children and youth complete with netting for each bed. You can view a short video of the altar call and a video of the children and youth who are orphans below.


Your prayers and support make it possible for us to continue working to change lives.





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